When planning bunker renovations there are a number of factors we take into consideration. Firstly the existing style of course bunkering is examined. We currently have a mix of "rolled in" turf bunkers and also sod stacked/revetted bunkers. We aim to develop a consistant style throughout the course and have decided to use the revetted style in all future bunker refurbishments.
Next we look at the position of the bunkers. With the advances in golf ball and club technology bunkers can become obselete. Before rebuilding any bunker we must decide whether the bunker is still best placed from a strategic perspective. Is the bunker still doing the job it was originally designed to do?
Finally we look at the bunker from an architectual perspective. Is it in keeping with the surrounding ground and the hole in general?, Does the bunker contribute positively to the aesthetic appeal of the hole?
If we are satisfied the bunker is in the correct location then we proceed with the work. If we decide that significant alterations are required, we will engage our golf course architect to carry out a detailed assessment before we proceed.
Here is one of the bunkers from around the 18th green on the day worked commenced.
All refurbished bunkers will remain out of play through the winter months. In late February the bunkers will have sand added and packed firm before being shaped properly ready for play. Please be aware that the depth of the bunkers will reduce considerably when the sand is added thus making player access easier.
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