Monday 27 October 2008

Tee Scarification

This week we are using the tractor mounted scarifier to remove thatch from tee surfaces. This job ideally requires dry weather so the vast amount of organic matter that we remove can be picked up from the tee surface easily. Two men are required to scrape the material up and then load onto trailers. The material is then added to the compost heap. The remaining material is then blown off the surface before finally the tee is cut to finsh the job off. We will top dress the tees with sand which will be worked into the grooves. This will help dilute the remaining thatch and will also level the playing surface. This process will be repeated on the 2nd and 4th fairways in the coming months to help improve firmness in these rather soft areas.


writer41uk said...

Question for you,how does sand dilute a material and firm up areas in others.

Richard Cutler said...

After removing some thatch, sand is worked into the upper soil profile thus diluting the overall thatch layer. As the thatch layer is by nature soft and spongy by diluting with sand this in turn firms the upper profile of the soil.